Preparing Your Lawn for Fence Installation

» Posted by on Dec 27, 2021 in Lawn Care | 0 comments

Fences play a lot of crucial roles for your yard and house. They contribute to the aesthetics of your property, protect you from intrusion, and offer privacy from people outside.  

Since there are a lot of benefits you can get with a fence, it’s easy to see why a lot of homeowners choose to install fences around their houses.  

If you’re planning to install a fence around your property as well, keep in mind that there are a couple of steps you need to do first before you call a fence company San Antonio contractor for expert help. 

Here are some tips on preparing your yard for fence installation: 

Notify Your Neighbors 

If you’re sharing a boundary with your neighbors, it’s a wise move to notify them of your plans as early as possible. You should also share with them what kind of fence you’re planning to install.  

Offer your neighbors the expected date of installation so they can also be ready and know to keep their kids and pets inside while the contractor is working on your fence.  

Recognize Off-Limit Spots 

Your workers will require access to various parts of your property to transport equipment and materials for your new fencing.  

If there are particular spots of your house that you would prefer to remain off-limits, you’ve got to ensure you mark them clearly with warning signs or other indicators.  

You can also apply the same idea anywhere on your property that can be potentially dangerous to someone unfamiliar with the surroundings.  

Get Rid of Décor 

It is ideal to relocate items to an area where they’ll be completely out of the way of your fence installation workers. These items include toys, flower pots, lawn furniture, and other decorative items.  

This also guarantees that your belongings will not get damaged accidentally during the process. If you have yard structures and décor that you can’t move, you should consider covering them using tarps for protection. 

Clean Up the Yard 

There is a huge possibility that your yard is already in excellent condition. This is particularly true if you maintain it regularly.  

However, it is still ideal to ensure your yard is clear of debris and other useless items before the crew arrives. These items can interfere with the process and might delay the completion.  

Try to walk around your yard and get rid of low-hanging branches, weeds, large rocks, tree stumps, and other obstacles.  

You should also be wary of any sharp grades or major slopes that can affect the materials required for the fence.  

Mark Utilities 

Whether you’re installing the fence around a garden, pool, property, or other sections of your yard, you have to locate where water pipes and sewage lines are running underground so the installation team does not hit them accidentally during the process.  

You can call the utility providers in your area to get the exact locations of these things. Oftentimes, the fencing company will handle this task. Thus, try to ask them first if they can do it for you.  

It does not matter who gets the information. You are legally required to mark utility lines before installing the fence.  

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